Monday, February 26, 2007

It's On!

Ok, now I've done it. I got this wild idea to run a half marathon. My friend has introduced me to running...and I'm sort of hooked on it. A half marathon is 13.1 miles I believe which means I should be running for 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete it. The longest I've ever run is 6.2 miles (3 times) and that has been in the last couple months.

A recent goal of our church has been to increase our faith and increase our love. I'm going to add a goal of increasing my endurance. I believe this will be another opportunity to see God at work and reveal himself to me. I will post more on it later.

The race is May 27 in Sun Valley. One cool thing about registering early, as I did, is that you can customize your racing bib. Mine will say "n2Jesus"

For those of you that don't know, my dba for video productions is "n2Jesus Productions" which now you should recognize my blog i.d. of N2J.
If you want to join me check out the website:


Dionna said...

I didn't know you had a video production site? What's the weby addy? Eliseo really likes doing video stuff as well and has been doing things off and on for missionaries...


n2J said...

I don't have a site. I just put stuff together for certain ministries and for family videos. I love it.

SPARKY said...

ooooohhhhhhh! now i know who n2j is. i could never figure that one out. anyway. good luck. i admire your willingness. i wish i could get into running, but i've always hated it. even when i was on the track team in hs