Friday, February 16, 2007

Have to...or Get to?

Where have I been? My last post was 9 days ago! Let's just say a lot can happen in a week and a half...especially when you puke off about 5 lbs. on a Saturday night. But that's another post.

So I was talking to somebody Wednesday after a hectic day where I hadn't eaten and I was going to need to run home, pick up the family and head to church for Bible study. I said again later in the conversation that I was hungry and they said, "Oh yeah, you HAVE to go to church, huh?"

I looked at them and responded, "Have to? No, I GET to." Now, stay with me for a minute. Understand that this just came out of my mouth...nothing premeditated or anything. But at the same time, when I am given an opportunity to indicate my enthusiasm for God, I want to make an attempt...especially in light of a negative outlook on church, etc.

So what's my point? No, I don't want a pat on the back for some witty comment (I make a lot of witty comments and that would just give me a bruised back). I just want you to consider the depth of that statement. Growing parents made me go to church. Left to my own desires, I would not have gone. Were they right to do that? I think so. Is that a typical response from a teenager? I think so. So when did my HAVE TO change to a GET TO?

Before I answer that, let me wrap up the previous conversation. I went on to say the following. "You know what else? I don't HAVE to go to hell...I GET to go to heaven." Let me clarify, this was not a confrontational conversation. We both laughed and thought it was a good motto. But it is much more than is the ultimate truth. Each of us has the same choice. Jesus came and shed his blood to pay for our sins. If you accept his gift, you get to go to heaven. If you choose to reject it, the Bible is clear, you will go to hell.

So when did my HAVE TO change to a GET TO? I've been a Christian as long as I can remember, but it took a move to Boise, Idaho before my HAVE TO changed to a GET TO. There are a number of people responsible for that as well as a number of people keeping that attitude alive in me on a daily basis. For those of you that know Jesper...give him my pat on the back.

My hope is that you live as though all you do for Jesus is a GET TO. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not (HAVE TO) perish but (GET TO) have eternal life." John 3:16
Share the good news with someone today...or accept it for yourself.


Lorilu said...

I like! Nuf Said!

HOOKM14 said...

I can only hope to maintain this perspective on a daily basis. I wish someone would write a song about it.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I am proud to be your friend and inspired by your discipline. You and your family are a blessing to me and mine.