I always take my Bible with me when I travel...but truthfully I rarely read it. When we were pulling out of the driveway I grabbed my sunglasses out of the other car and saw my Bible and brought it along too. I didn't pack anything else to do or read for a possible delay occasion.
I decided to read my Bible right there in the terminal. Now for some of you that may be no big thing. For me..."normal" people don't read their Bible at the airport. I got mine out anyway and decided to spend some time reading it. Let me say I didn't do it to be seen or to get an "atta boy" from any of you, but I just thought "why shouldn't I read it?" I was given some unexpected free time. Maybe I could make some good use of it.
I always like reading Paul's letters...so I started out skimming a few of them in the New Testament. Then I decided to read some Proverbs. I haven't read all of Proverbs but that Solomon guy was supposed to be pretty wise...so what does he have to say?
I don't have any other insight except to share with you some of the ones that made me go hmmmm...or read a second time, etc.
Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Under the moral benefits of wisdom it says in Proverbs 2:18-20, "For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous."
There is also a daily devotional section in my Men's NIV Devotional Bible. The section for this day was "Save the Boys." It was particularly relevant to me because it encapsuled being a role model as a father for our sons. It was written by Steve Farrar who is President of Strategic Living and speaks with his wife accross the country in the Family Life Marriage Conferences...or at least he did when my Bible was written. :)
He said he had 5 goals for saving his boys and it was his job as their father to model for them:
- knowing and obeying Jesus Christ,
- knowing and displaying godly character,
- knowing and loving my wife,
- knowing and loving my children, and
- knowing my gifts and abilities, so I can work hard and effectively in an area of strength, rather than weakness, and contribute effectively to the lives of others--and have a little fun at the same time.
I, too, have set these goals for my life. I fail in one or more of them, most regularly on a daily basis...but that does not diminsh my desire to achieve these goals. I pray that you mothers and fathers intentionally set goals and a plan to Save your Children.This picture is the little boy that my own parents "saved" and will forever be greatfull for their goals, desires and setting a plan for raising the little me.
You never know what you will learn if you just take your Bible with you when you travel.
Great post! I agree, that we as men must make a concentrated effort to raise our families in a way that draws them to Christ. To be the men called has called and designed us to be. I too fail often but am determined to keep on tryin'.
Thank you for the word!
Good stuff shooter. Your heart is always determined.
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