Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do you see what I see?

How's your faith? I thought I would briefly (yeah right) share some of the ob-stacles I have been facing in my personal journey lately. My uncle encouraged me to keep a journal and write about God's faithfulness so that I can turn to it when I forget. Do you ever forget that God is faithful...or is it just me?

My wife bought me a journal for Christmas, I finally made my first entry...there are now 3. My goal is to make entries of things I learn as well as a record of God's faithfulness. I don't have any desire to simply keep a diary of my day...I'm not that interesting...but God is.

I've been facing a number of appears God has determined it is time to work on me a bit. I think it may have something to do with the fact that at the beginning of our building campaign at church, I raised my hand (when every head was bowed and eye closed) that I wanted to increase my faith and increase my love...and I meant it in the depth of my heart. All I can say is be prepared if you earnestly want God to do something in your life...because he will assume you are serious.

This post may get long so decide now if you want to continue.

Anyway, does your reality match your theology? Great question. I told a friend of mine a couple weeks ago that "I say my God can do anything, but my fear and my actions tell me that I don't truly believe it." To recognize that in myself devastated me. I mean to find out whether or not you TRULY believe that God can do what he says he can do. Be honest, do you TRULY believe? God used my friend at that point to provide me some of the most encouraging and inspiring words I have ever heard. It was like a coach's Super Bowl pep talk...awesome! I almost ran out of the place slapping the top of the door as I left, "Play Like a Champion Today!" (For those non-sports fans in the building, that sign is at the end of the stairs as you exit the Notre Dame football locker room) I had been foolish to fear that something could stand between me and God's plan. My eyes were opened to the strength of the Almighty God.

Faith that remains unchallenged ordinarily remains unchanged.

"Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6

I dare you to read that over and over until you understand what it says. If you do, it may change you.

So now onto my story. Sometime during the following week at one point this happened as I wrote in my journal...

"I prayed about a week ago for God to send a "legion of angels" on my behalf to fight off evil and prepare the way for me so that I may proceed as I believe God is leading me and to protect me and my family. This request I had forgotten until this morning. I don't know what a legion is...and I don't know with any assurance whether I have seen an angel, but this was the most powerful image I could I asked for it.

In retrospect, I guess my thought was I know there are angels and I have a need down here so if you have any "looking for work" send them on down..."

I woke up on "judgement day"...

"As I said, I forgot I prayed for this until this morning...

When I went into the kitchen, I looked out the snowed? It's been in the 50's for a couple weeks and it's snowing now and everywhere I look is white?

It was at that moment a "legion of angels" came to my mind. I believe I was enlightened to its meaning. My son, I heard you. Your legion has been gathering over the last few weeks and they left this behind so that you may see there isn't a portion of this city that has been left unprepared. We have covered it in white like angels so that you may have faith in what you believe God has planned for you. Take peace in the knowledge that all you need to do is walk down the path before you.

It was just snow, right? Probably for everyone else today. For me, my eyes were opened to what God was showing me...a miracle."

It was the truth...everything had been prepared. Don't discount God's miracles. You simply need to recognize that God is showing you something you can't believe.

When I talk to a friend on the phone that has been in my prayers for years that he may come to know God and he tells me that he is going to a weekly men's Bible study at 6:30 am...that's a miracle. Don't tell me miracles don't happen anymore...I don't believe it and quite frankly...I believe it offends God.

That picture in the clouds, by the way, is an angel...surprised you didn't know that.


hot potato said...

a side profile of a rabbit?

Lorilu said...

I'm not may be a helicopter. ??

HOOKM14 said...

It is totally a PETROS....

Anonymous said...

Terry...I agree with you. Hebrews 10:6 is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. I like the Philips translation. Without faith it is impossible to please God. For the man who approaches God must believe first that He exists and secondly that its worth his while to try and find him. We can see that you are finding it worth your while in finding Him. What a treasure. God Bless you...and all our love Uncle Buz, Aunt Billie and Nor!

SPARKY said...

thank you terry for your transparency. i've felt a little left behind lately as i hear so many around me talking about how God is moving in their life as a result of this campaign, but it's probably my own fault. i have not REALLY sought after him. i'm excited for you and expect more posts of the awesome things God's going to do. Surrender is the first step, then our faith. God bless

Anonymous said...

Terry, Love reading your blog and what God is doing in your life. Love,Ruth

Lesa said...

Journaling is my favorite thing to do! As I look back over the journals from the past 4-5 years, I am constantly amazed at what the Lord has done in my's such a great way to document the growth! :) That's also generally how I pray--it keeps me focused when I write, rather than just pray outloud/silently. :)

Anonymous said...

Your story and thoughts have inspired me to give it all up to Him today. Constantly struggling w/a 'thing' right now and I really don't even need to! Thanks for helping me keeping my eye on the main thing. Love, your little sis

n2J said...

His love is sufficient. You too have inspired me.