Monday, February 26, 2007
It's On!

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Do you see what I see?

My wife bought me a journal for Christmas, I finally made my first entry...there are now 3. My goal is to make entries of things I learn as well as a record of God's faithfulness. I don't have any desire to simply keep a diary of my day...I'm not that interesting...but God is.
I've been facing a number of challenges...it appears God has determined it is time to work on me a bit. I think it may have something to do with the fact that at the beginning of our building campaign at church, I raised my hand (when every head was bowed and eye closed) that I wanted to increase my faith and increase my love...and I meant it in the depth of my heart. All I can say is be prepared if you earnestly want God to do something in your life...because he will assume you are serious.
This post may get long so decide now if you want to continue.
Anyway, does your reality match your theology? Great question. I told a friend of mine a couple weeks ago that "I say my God can do anything, but my fear and my actions tell me that I don't truly believe it." To recognize that in myself devastated me. I mean to find out whether or not you TRULY believe that God can do what he says he can do. Be honest, do you TRULY believe? God used my friend at that point to provide me some of the most encouraging and inspiring words I have ever heard. It was like a coach's Super Bowl pep talk...awesome! I almost ran out of the place slapping the top of the door as I left, "Play Like a Champion Today!" (For those non-sports fans in the building, that sign is at the end of the stairs as you exit the Notre Dame football locker room) I had been foolish to fear that something could stand between me and God's plan. My eyes were opened to the strength of the Almighty God.
Faith that remains unchallenged ordinarily remains unchanged.
"Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6
I dare you to read that over and over until you understand what it says. If you do, it may change you.
So now onto my story. Sometime during the following week at one point this happened as I wrote in my journal...
"I prayed about a week ago for God to send a "legion of angels" on my behalf to fight off evil and prepare the way for me so that I may proceed as I believe God is leading me and to protect me and my family. This request I had forgotten until this morning. I don't know what a legion is...and I don't know with any assurance whether I have seen an angel, but this was the most powerful image I could comprehend...so I asked for it.
In retrospect, I guess my thought was I know there are angels and I have a need down here so if you have any "looking for work" send them on down..."
I woke up on "judgement day"...
"As I said, I forgot I prayed for this until this morning...
It was at that moment a "legion of angels" came to my mind. I believe I was enlightened to its meaning. My son, I heard you. Your legion has been gathering over the last few weeks and they left this behind so that you may see there isn't a portion of this city that has been left unprepared. We have covered it in white like angels so that you may have faith in what you believe God has planned for you. Take peace in the knowledge that all you need to do is walk down the path before you.
It was just snow, right? Probably for everyone else today. For me, my eyes were opened to what God was showing me...a miracle."
It was the truth...everything had been prepared. Don't discount God's miracles. You simply need to recognize that God is showing you something you can't believe.
When I talk to a friend on the phone that has been in my prayers for years that he may come to know God and he tells me that he is going to a weekly men's Bible study at 6:30 am...that's a miracle. Don't tell me miracles don't happen anymore...I don't believe it and quite frankly...I believe it offends God.
That picture in the clouds, by the way, is an angel...surprised you didn't know that.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Try it for a week

Breakfast (250 to 300 calories):
1 C Special K regualr (110-0,22,7)
4 oz. nonfat milk (40-0,6,4)
1 t. sugar (16-0,4,0)
4 oz. Fruit juice (56-0,14,0)
½ banana (45-0,11,0)
1 multi-vitamin
Morning Snack (150 to 200 calories):
8 oz. Fred Meyer Lite Yogurt (100-0,16,9)
½ Graham cracker Honey Maid low fat (30-0.5,6,0.5)
½ banana (45-0,11,0)
Lunch (400 to 500 calories):
4 slices Healthy Choice lunch meat, I like Honey Ham (60-1.5,2,9)
5 crackers Keebler Club Reduced Fat (70-2.5,12,1)
1 string cheese, I like precious (80-6,1,7)
1 apple, I like fuji (90-0,23,0)
1 serving (15 chips) fat-free ruffles cheddar cheese (75-0,16,3)
8 oz. Nonfat milk (80-0,12,8)
Afternoon Snack (150 to 200 calories):
choose from
1 high protein energy bar, Snicker Marathon Low Carb (170-6,19,16)
8 oz. Diet beverage, I liked diet coke with lime or Sobe No Fear diet (0-0,0,0)
1 apple/banana/orange (90-0,23,0)
1 oz turkey jerky, Oberto from Costco (80-1,5,13)
Dinner (400 to 500 calories):
6 oz. chicken breast or other lean meat (180-3,0,39)
1 or more vegetable of choice (only about 10 calories per ounce)
1 string cheese (80-6,1,7)
8 oz. nonfat milk (80-0,12,8)
room for another 100 calories or so of whatever you feel like adding

Evening Snack (100 to 150 calories):
choose from
¼ oz. square extra dark chocolate (45-3,4,0.5)
Popsicle, Fred Meyer melon pops, banana, or assorted (30-0,7,0)
½ serving of cold cereal (84-0,16,5)
1 Apple and 1 T. peanut butter (90-0,23,0) and (96-8,3,3)
I used an online program that tracked my foods through Apex/Gold’s Gym. I just found this website though that you can do a food search for those items you eat that don’t have a label. It’s in the middle of the page.
Remember once you start losing weight and exercising more, you can eat more and still lose weight. When I was losing, I would eat between 1500 and 1600 per day. I also drank a lot more diet drinks then to give my taste buds a splash. I usually don’t drink much pop, I like milk and fruit juices.
Change the menu to foods you like, but I think you’ll find the protein foods are the harder ones to replace. The first 2 weeks are hard…you are changing some old habits…don’t give up. After you start changing your body and moving more…you will naturally have to start eating more. I probably eat between 2500 and 3000 calories now just to maintain my weight…I increased my muscle mass and I move a lot more so my body needs more “fuel” than it used to.
One other thing I did, was I would modify my Saturday and Sunday meal plans. I figured as long as I didn’t gain weight on the weekend I was doing good and that way I didn’t feel like I was dieting. You still need to plan and write down what you eat so you know the calories, but we would go to the pizza buffet on Saturday night for example. One slice of pizza is about 250 calories. Since I had about 500 extra calories to eat for the day, I could eat 3 slices of pizza (750 calories) along with my regular meal plan for the day and know I wouldn’t gain weight. Maybe I would have a few more snacks on Sunday, but I would still keep my calories in the 1800 to 1900 range. My motto, eat a little all day long so you don’t overeat. It takes about 30 minutes for your brain to know your stomach is full. If you’re a little full before you eat, then you are changing your eating from emotion to necessity. Emotion…I won’t touch that one. Try to learn to eat because you have to, not because you want to. Your body is a machine...give it the fuel it needs when it needs it.
Well, that was a lot more than I thought I would say, but if it helps one of you then it was well worth it. Like I said, I’ll write another of the beginning of my experience and trying to break down the calories by protein, fat and carbs later.
Did you know?
If I could give just one piece of advice it would be start your day with breakfast and eat about 6 times a day. You’ll only need to eat small amounts throughout the day and your tank will be full so you will have energy all day long and you won’t eat as much at the main meals. If you know how many calories you are eating, you will know if you are going to lose weight. Oh, and try to eat more protein. Fats and carbs are easy to eat, it’s the items higher in protein that are trickier to find and that is likely where you are under-nourishing your body. And, make time to exercise at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Oh, don’t forget to read labels at the grocery store…”low fat” is not always the better choice. Don’t ever start a diet…if you use the “D” word you’re just setting yourself up for a short-term program to eventually fall away from and return to your old self.
I could go on and on because it gets me excited showing people what I have been taught and how simple nutrition can be and how important exercise is to your appearance and energy levels. Keep an eye out for my “did you know” list…maybe you will find a tip that helps you.
“Do or do not…there is no try.” - YODA
Friday, February 16, 2007
Have to...or Get to?
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Lost in Translation?
With the satisfying victory secured, I sat back to watch the Vince Lombardi trophy ceremony interested to see if the Colts owner would once again give glory to God as he did after the AFC Championship game. Of course, all athletes “would first like to thank God” on the podium, right? It's become a cliche. Here’s what transpired…

"Now there's an awful lot of shining glory, even more than last time up here," Irsay said. "But we're giving it all to God again because that's what got us here ... sticking together and believing that we could, and I know God has looked after us on this journey and bonded us into such a tight family."
I was thinking about this today, which prompted me to write this post. For those of you that are Christians, I have one question for you. Are you a Christian only when you are at home…or do you let the world know what God has done for you in public?
I admit for many years I was a “silent” Christian. Growing up as a kid, it wasn’t a sign of strength or considered cool to be the Christian kid on the team or in school. I didn’t have any Christian friends by my side to give me strength. So I just coasted along as the “nice guy” but never truly embraced or shared my faith with others.
Well, if you know me, that changed in recent years. No longer am I silent as to my faith. I proudly proclaim that I am a follower of Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate price to redeem my soul and I will forever be grateful. But enough about me. What about those guys on stage under the biggest spotlight in professional sports and possibly the single largest television audience in the world.
For weeks we had heard how Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith were the first African-American coaches to make it to the Super Bowl. Here’s what Dungy said after the game:

Here's Dungy's whole quote, responding to Jim Nantz's question about the "social significance" of the Super Bowl, the first with a black head coach (both Dungy and Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith): "I'll tell you what. I'm proud to be representing African-American coaches, to be the first African-American to win this. It means an awful lot to our country. But again, more than anything, I've said it before, Lovie Smith and I (are) not only the first two African-Americans but Christian coaches showing that you can win doing it the Lord's way. And we're more proud of that."
I’ve read a lot of stories about Super Bowl XLI that quote the first half of what he said, but leave out the second half. However, it cannot be denied that to Dungy, he places his greater victory in Christ. Dungy has had a close relationship with Bears' head coach Lovie Smith since 1996, when Dungy hired Smith to coach linebackers for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
"My relationship, first, is with Jesus Christ, and he is the center of my life," said Smith when asked about his faith earlier this week. "I try to live a Christian life. I would like for players to know my faith based on what they see on a day-to-day basis."
As part of a pre-Super Bowl promotion, both men, and members of their teams, compiled a website to witness their common faith in Jesus Christ to the world. The site can be found at www.beyondtheultimate.org. I encourage you to visit the site and read what these two coaches and others who play and coach for the Bears and Colts have to say about their faith in God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives.
On the other hand, I have also read where one writer stated that, “Christians, and anybody who applauds his speaking out (Dungy), have to respect the possibility that his words will bruise other people's ears.”
In response to that, I can only I turn to the Bible:
* "With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.” 2 Corinthians 4:13
* "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
* "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
Bruise other people's ears you say? I respect the possiblity that his words will guide a lost soul to eternal life. And to that, I will applaud. For each of us has the individual choice of how we will hear the message. The responsibility of us as Christians is to simply share it. In a world where we Super Size professional athletes, yet are continually disappointed with revelations of infidelity, drug use, poor judgment and lack of wisdom, I am especially proud of the witness these men proclaim and example.
I concede that none of us are perfect and I recognize my lack of authority to cast judgment over anyone. Still, I challenge each of you to take a stand for God publicly and see how it will increase your faith and love. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior…there’s no better time than the present. "Someday I hope you get the chance, to live like you were dying.”
"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
My Belly Hurts
We baited two more people into our test-o-rama over the weekend. In order to protect their identities, let's call them Jesper and Betsy. Don't they sound like nice people? Jesper is a good golfing buddy of mine. Betsy is the mother of his children...that's a joke Betsy, we know you are so much more than that. You also do his laundry, not to mention scrubbing his floors on your hands and knees. But let's get back to the root beer.
These 2 jumped right in with the round 1 taste test. Betsy liked A&W, Mug, and Big K. Jesper also ranked A&W #1 followed by Barqs and Mug.
So for the finals we had 9 contenders. We were each testing on an empty stomach at the start, getting hungrier by the minute. I admit, however, that by the end of the test it sounded like the bubbles scene from Willy Wonka. You know the one where they are flying up to the fan and have to burp to get back down to the ground. That's how my stomach felt...and pretty much how the rest of me sounded.
Without boring you with further details, here is my statistical analysis of the results of the final test.
Now before I get to the results, let me just say that after conducting these experiments, I have concluded that root beer falls into 1 of 3 categories:
- Frosty mug tasting creamy types
- Root beer with added specialty flavors to change it up a bit
- Beverages that should be removed by the FDA
I prefer those that fall into category 1. Now for the results. In a complicated mathematical analysis I conducted using algorithmic permutations and combinations of trigonometrical effervescence's, combined with a patented probability ratio derived from a sampling of scores in my golf handicapping system..I naturally reached the following conclusion based on the preferences of the testers in question. After smoothing the data for outliers as well as out right liars, the scoring is (lower score=better, 1 being best possible and 9 being worst possible):
- Stewarts 2.0 (one 1st place vote) very good classic frosty root beer
- A&W 3.5 (one first place vote) "has that frosty mug taste"
- Sprecher 3.5 Wisconsin Honey and Vanilla
- Happy Valley Old Fashioned 3.5 (one questionable 1st place vote)
- Henry Weinhards 4.5 Vanilla
- Rat Bass-Turd 6.0 (they spell it differently, I spell it like it tastes) Molasses, Jasmine, Clove and a large list of herbal blends
- Virgil's 6.5 (one very lonely first place vote) Licorice, Clove
- Boylan 6.5 Sweet Birch, Cinnamon, Sassafras
- Natural Brew 9.0 (three #9 last place votes and one #8) Cane Juice, Licorice Root, Sarsaparilla
For me, I'll drink any of the top 3 anytime (or #5)...the rest will never see the inside of my refrigerator again. Let me know if you have a favorite I should pick up and try. Sioux City is next on my list to sample and I need to find a bottle of Hires.