So rather than catch up on the distant past...let's center in on the last couple of days.
May I tell you that that is the only key to the Expedition I own. I did take it off the key ring so at least the remote control is locked in the truck with the windows slightly down. For your sake, I will speed through the rest of my day. I am now cooled down and stretched having drank all my water on my run, but now begin running back over my trail and then back to the car for another 4 sign of said key. Since I can't get in the car I decide to run home...another 2 miles. I get home to my fantastic wife who had just been up the whole previous night putting my office together and tell her that I lost my key and have now ran 11+ miles on my "easy 5-mile" day. It is now 11:30AM. Sympathy and compassion have yet to wake up in our household due to the long previous night and I must have dropped patience and composure with my key on the trail, so I fix myself something to eat and then drive back to the truck with my son's plastic golf club in hand so I can unlock the door and see if by some chance of dumb luck I never in fact put the key in my zipper pouch. Note to self...I never benefit from dumb luck.
Drive back home. My wife convinces me to take the family for a "walk" on the Green Belt to look for the key. We can split up and look for it. She drops me off and I take the dog and go to one end of the trail. She and our 4-year old son drive to the other end for their start and we all set off for an afternoon stroll. It is now 1:00PM...temperature 100 degrees. Don't forget our friends are coming over for a BBQ and I have chicken (1 hour) and ribs (3 hours) to cook for dinner.
My son overheats at 0.7 miles so they sit and wait for me and the dog. The dog overheats after about 1.5 miles and literally lays down on the trail as we are walking. We are about 0.8 miles from each other. The trail has markers every 0.1 miles...this is how I know this. We keep calling each other along the key. I stop to let the dog in the river about 4 times and finally make it to my wife and son. She has been pouring water on his head while they wait. Evidently his comments on the walk included, "How did daddy lose the key?" and "I would never do that." I then walk the remaining 0.7 miles back to the truck so I can drive to pick everyone up. It is now 2:45PM and I have logged another 3.0 miles in walking on my schedule for the day.
Time to go home and get dinner started. I get the ribs "rubbed" and started on their 2 hour sit while I cook the chicken. Our friends arrive and I sit down for the first time in the day while drinking ounces 160 and 161 of water for the day (give or take an ounce). Everything is finally slowing down...chicken about done...just have to go outside for the final flip. Why is the BBQ at 425 instead of 350? Open the lid...BONFIRE! El chicken, El no moro. Burn baby burn. Run over to the hose and run back to the BBQ, knock flower pot off table on the way so it shatters and throws dirt/rock all over the ground near the pool (that will be less funny later when Lori keeps stepping on pebbles at dinner time), hose off chicken from 10 feet away and salvage a couple thighs.
Time to cool down BBQ so that ribs can cook. With any luck, dinner should be ready by 9:00PM.
Wake up this morning to call the Ford dealership to find out I need to actually take the vehicle into the shop in order to have an extra key made. Hard to drive without a key. I figure that's probably a $200 tow. Naturally, I go back and spend another hour on the trail walking another 3 miles looking for the stupid key.
I get home and realize that we have AAA for the first time ever thanks to my wife's convincing me for our trip to Canada earlier in the year. She takes it from there and gets the truck to the shop and a couple of keys made. A simple $97 debit card swipe and I'm back in business. That's my truck going for a ride.
Now you know why I don't blog more often....who wants to read all of that?!?
Oh, I almost forgot. If you haven't got a phone call from me in a couple of weeks it's because I dropped my BlackBerry in the hot tub while I was skimming it and lost everyone's phone numbers along with my portable email access. I had the joy of talking with tech support tonight for an hour trying to get it started back up and then another hour purchasing new warranty ran out 1 month ago. Dumb luck still hasn't stopped by for a visit.
I'm so sorry things haven't been going well for you lately. You must be doing something right or Satan wouldn't be trying so hard!
Btw - your office looks great!
I love the story,you had a great day and a good meal and a really good workout,glad to hear you did get to relax..and go to work at a very nice office.
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