Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just the Facts

I will post another version of my “marathon experience” later, but for those of you interested in just the race results…this is for you. I finished!

We drove to Richland, WA on Saturday and arrived in the early afternoon to check into our hotel, which was very nice. Shortly after we ate at the hotel where they had a pasta dinner designed for the runners. I basically then went to bed…that night seemed to last forever. I dozed off as the Red Sox pounded the Rockies in Game 3 around 9:30…it felt like midnight. I woke up at 2:00am for an hour and then woke up for good at 6:15am and started my pre-race routine.

Breakfast…bowl of Special K, banana, juice, half a power bar and vitamins. Then at about 7:30 one small boiled red potato. The rest of my diet over the course of the race would consist of 6 packs of vanilla Gu, 16 ounces of Accelerade, 8 ounces of Vitamin Water (Charge), about 8 ounces of Gatorade and about 16 ounces of water.

It was a beautiful day, clear and no wind…but cool…in the low 30s when we started at 8:00am. It would warm up to the mid 40s by the end of the race, but I was glad to have on long sleeves and gloves along with my running hat and sunglasses. I used my son's Blue "Superman" gloves.

I ran with my friend from Portland. He and his wife arrived earlier on Saturday to watch the Ducks pound USC in college football. Boise St. had rolled over Fresno St. on Friday night so I had no similar concerns.

We left the hotel to warm up a little after 7:30 but wound up getting a little frazzled while making our final preparations and pretty much showed up right at the start time…and I wasn’t paying attention to our wives that were trying to film us as I set up on the other side of the street…so you won’t see any video of us taking off. I was nervous…give me a break.

We took off as everyone cheered and rushed down the street. A couple minute in I noticed our pace was a little quick as we were being pulled in by all the enthusiasm of those around us…so we slowed up a bit to the pace we wanted to run the first couple miles to get properly warmed up…it was cold. Our timing goal was basically to run a 9-minute/mile marathon…26.2 miles would make a final time of 3 hours 55 minutes 48 seconds…so there was a little cushion for our overall goal of a sub-4-hour marathon.

After the first 2 miles we were about 38 seconds above that which is about where we planned to be and then we wanted to be on pace by about mile 8. We were able to run around the 9-minute pace for the most part. We sped up to 8:44 in mile 4 and 8:42 in mile 7 and so by mile 8 we were now 2 seconds ahead of pace…just like we planned. How do I know all this? My handy dandy Garmin GPS watch!

My legs felt really good. The pain I had during the last few weeks of training was gone and we were having a good time running together…somebody to talk to was nice.

To this point we hadn’t seen our wives yet…until we crossed the Blue Bridge. We had run from Richland to Pasco and were now crossing the Columbia River to Kennewick. I could see our white Expedition down on the other side and we started to wave to them…it was a big rush to see them. They were then able to follow us for about the next 5 miles and snap some photos and take some video. My son also ran out to us a few times to give us a high 5!

Before we hit the turn around at mile 12, we were both starting to feel some aches as I recall. I was feeling just some tiring below my kneecaps. I was also thinking that we still had a long way to go. We ran a fast 12th mile to try to shake out the cobwebs 8:36 pace. At the halfway point of mile 13 we were right on track…8 seconds ahead of pace!

In mile 16 we crossed back over to Pasco over the Cable Bridge…it was a steady uphill over the bridge and began to take its toll on me. My friend #287 ran ahead of me while I #316 concentrated on keeping my legs moving until the eventual downhill on the other side. I slowed to 9:16 that mile. Now we were at our furthest point from the start and it was a straight 10 miles back down the Columbia River to Richland and the finish…that seemed a long ways away…well…it was a long ways away.

We were still running together which made it bearable as both of us noted fatigue was setting in. we were getting close to running for 3 hours now. We slowed again in mile 18 to 9:15, but made it to mile 20 only 33 seconds behind our goal pace…not too shabby! This was the furthest each of us had run in training…so now the mental challenge of uncharted waters would add to our fatigue level.

Between mile 20 and mile 21 my friend started to fade back while I tried to keep pace and encouraging him to stay with me…but it wasn’t to be. Now we each had our own race to run and our own battles and aches to overcome. I just kept running…I don’t remember much from here. At the beginning of the race we were noticing scenery and the huge houses along the waterfront. All I remember from mile 20 is looking at the ground and making sure I drank enough water.

I ate my Gu (great stuff, you should try some) about every 4.5 miles during the race so my last pack went down about mile 22 with the hope it would give me the final energy I needed to finish.
I remember over the last 5 miles or so seeing a lot of people hit the wall as I passed by. It was a picture of fatigue I had in my head before the race that would happen to me but I had hoped it wouldn’t be until after I finished. I remember running behind a few people and you could see them struggle to keep running and then give up and have to walk. I felt fortunate to be able to keep running. I had read in a magazine that if you pass people towards the end of a race you should encourage them…so I would just say, “we’re almost there…keep going” or “you’re doing great” as I went by.

When I reached mile 23 I knew I was going to make it…don’t ask me why. I guess I just knew from my training that I could do anything for 3 miles. At that point I was 51 seconds behind my goal pace but well ahead of being able to finish in under 4 hours…now I just wanted to run as fast and as steady as I felt I could without getting hurt…so I put my music on my favorite songs…put my head down…and went.

I ran mile 24 in 8:47 so I gained a little time, but then mile 25 started with an uphill round-a-bout to an overpass we ran along. I remember thinking, “You have got to be kidding me.” I was tired and now had to run uphill…I just tried to keep my legs moving at the same pace even though they were taking much shorter steps. That uphill slowed me to an 11 to 12 minute pace for that small stretch. The good news is once I made it to the top I was able to build up speed and eventually a 6:45 pace on the downhill. I ran mile 25 in 8:44 and was now only 22 seconds behind pace. Only 1 mile left…oh yeah, I can do 1 mile in my sleep.

I ran like Forest Gump to a box of chocolates. During the last half mile there was a lady sitting in her front yard ringing a cowbell as runners came by…awesome! About a half a mile from the finish I passed one guy who stopped to walk…I said, “Come on….we’re close.”

At this point I was out of Gu and all of my liquids…but I was almost done. I ran mile 26 in 7:58 and the last 0.2 miles at about 7:30 pace…right through the finish where Miss Tri-Cities was handing out the finishing medals…I did it. 3 hours 55 minutes later I had run my first marathon and it was exhilarating…and I didn’t even collapse from complete exhaustion!

My friend finished in 4 hours and 4 minutes just missing his sub-4-hour goal but still a great time. The average marathon time in the U.S. last year was 4 hours 21 minutes…just a little fact I heard from Cliffy from Cheers. What that means, though, is he wants to try another one so he can break 4 hours…so guess who said he would run it with him?

Well, that was the big day…oh one more thing…I got 3rd place in the men 35 to 39 age group! How about them apples!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Final Preparations

Wow, is it really here? It’s hard for me to believe really. At the beginning of this year I had never even owned a pair of running shoes or run for anything unless it was part of a sport (soccer, basketball, etc.). Now I’m less than 48 hours from running a marathon? Crazy! I look back to the beginning of the year when running 1 mile on a treadmill at the gym was in a word…exhausting.

I feel like I have been training forever. I can’t remember what it’s like not to know what 3 days a week I am going to train and how long and how fast I am going to run that day. It has become a part of me…it’s just what I do. This particular training program started back in July and I am nearing 600 miles of running and onto my second pair of running shoes. Now I look at my schedule and a 10-mile run is a “day off.”

Still 26.2 miles is something I have never done. I have run 20 miles twice in the last 6 weeks. The last couple weeks we have been cutting back miles to get proper rest for the race…only 3 mile days this week…and I am getting anxious!

Today I am planning everything out, meals, clothes, schedule, etc. Yeah, I am ready to go! My right leg has bothered me the last couple weeks but I am hoping the rest is doing it good. I’ve been running with a limp, like someone sticking knives in my leg…nice, huh?

I am running with a friend and our goal is to finish in under 4 hours. I am really looking forward to the race…all my training runs have been alone so I look forward to us pushing each other. We ran a half-marathon together in May of this year…well, we started together anyway.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers…I will be running on Sunday. I will be wearing a black armband in remembrance of my grandmother that passed away almost 2 months ago. She was an inspiration to me and a witness to Jesus and the faithfulness of God even in her last days. I will proudly remember her while I run and strive to live to glorify God in all I do.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Word is Alive

So what would make me post on my blog after 3 months of inactivity? In a word…anger. Yes, I think it is anger. At what you say? Let me tell you.

“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Why am I angry? Because I see the lion prowling and I hear him roaring in the faces of those I know as friends. And I feel helpless. My soul aches for many as I write this. The lion is ready to pounce…on some that don’t even know it, others that are unable or unwilling to fight, and others that have drawn their swords in defense.

Untrue? The Bible is simply filled with stories and some nice thoughts and concepts to meditate on for those that feel the need? God doesn’t exist and Jesus Christ never walked on this Earth? Don’t be fooled!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” John 10:10

My soul aches.

· For those who believe the lie…that God doesn’t exist.
· For those who are faced with temptations and circumstances that overcome them and are ultimately destroyed.
· For those who believe but are distracted and have left the back door open only for the devil to come in for the slaughter.
· For those who believe and recognize the fight is at hand and are currently in a battle.

My soul does ache for all of them. How do I follow Proverbs 24:11? “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”

I have to turn to the Word…the Bible. The rest of John 10:10 says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (I=Jesus Christ)

2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

He is my strength and the only hope I proclaim. Accept the gift of Jesus, and turn to Him for your strength.

For the handful of you that will read this, you probably know that I will be running my first marathon on Sunday, October 28. In no uncertain terms, my desire to run is to give God glory and to somehow impact those for which my soul aches. The entire training process has been an amazing spiritual growth period in my life. Through recognizing the physical limitations of my own body and abilities, I have on many occasions been convinced of the limitless powers of God. He has revealed himself to me in new and real ways so that I may be made stronger in my faith and a witness to His faithfulness.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3.

Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Yes, I am angry…and I am fighting. I am fighting with you and I am fighting for you.

Jesus Christ is the Word…and the Word is Alive!

View this slideshow created at One True Media
My Slideshow 10/19/07

THE WORD IS ALIVE (lyrics and music by Casting Crowns)
Looking out from His throne, the Father of light and of men
Chose to make Himself known and show us the way back to Him
Speaking wisdom and truth into the hearts of peasants and kings
He began to unveil the Word that would change the course of all things
With eyes wide open, all would see

The Word is alive
And it cuts like a sword through the darkness
With a message of life to the hopeless and afraid
Breathing life into all who believeThe Word is alive
And the world and its glories will fade
But His truth, it will not pass away
It remains yesterday and forever the same
The Word is alive

Simple strokes on a page
Eternity's secrets revealed, carried on from age to age
It speaks Truth to us even still
And as the rain falls from Heaven, feeds the earth before it returns
Lord, let Your Word fall on us and bring forth the fruit You deserve
With eyes wide open, let us see